• Graduation

    Welcome to Callahan Middle School Counselor Department.  

    We pride ourselves in working to help parents and students in any way we can. Please feel free to email or call us with any concern.  We look forward to having the opportunity to serve you and your child.

    Enrollment Information
    The following is mandatory for enrollment:
    Proof of Nassau County Residence
    Shot Record with required 7th grade TDAP (if 7th grader or above)
    Copy of Birth Certificate
    Copy of Social Security Card
    Last issued Report Card
    Last FSA (if from Florida) scores
    Florida Physical (if from out of State)
    ESE..Exceptional Student Education information (including Gifted)

    Other necessary info:

    • any pertinent legal/court document (custody papers)
    • any pertinent discipline or attendance documentation

    Please know that Free/Reduced lunch is county specific. If you were in another county this does not mean it automatically rolls over to Nassau County. You must fill out the paper work. So please be prepared to send a lunch or pay for lunch the first few days of enrollment.

    Please notify us of homeless status (living in a car, motel, travel trailer, or double up due to financial necessity).

  • Contact your School Counseling Department:

     Heather Davidson                                   School Counselor                davidsonhe1@nassau.k12.fl.us

    Dr. Jennifer Cantu                                   School Counselor                cantuje@nassau.k12.fl.us

    Kristi Watson                                           Counselor Clerk, Enrollment, and Attendance    watsonkr@nassau.k12.fl.us  


    Phone 904-879-3606
    Fax 904-879-2860