Wildlight Elementary School

Trailblazers...Leading the Way!

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  • Read at Home Plan Resources

    A read-at-home plan is required to be provided to parents of any K-3 student who has been identified with a substantial deficiency in reading. The Florida Department of Education has compiled resources that each school district must include into a read-at-home plan provided to the parent of a student who is identified as having a substantial reading deficiency. A read-at-home plan includes information and resources connected to the essential components of reading: oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, f luency, vocabulary and comprehension. 

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  • Family At-Home Reading Guide for Student Success


    You are your student’s first teacher, and reading with your student is a proven way to promote early literacy. Helping to make sure your student is reading on grade level by third grade is one of the most important things you can do to prepare him/her for the future. By reading with your student for 20 minutes per day and adding a few simple strategies as a part of your daily routine, you can make a positive impact on your student’s success in school. We are happy to provide you with this Family At-Home Reading Guide, which includes strategies to help your student become a more proficient reader!

    Sincerely, Nassau County School District 

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