- Yulee Primary
- PTO Membership Form
Annual Membership Form
Dear Families of Yulee Primary School –
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all the new and returning families of Yulee Primary School. The PTO is a volunteer organization that supports the school by organizing volunteers for various programs and by providing financial assistance through fundraising for reward programs, family events, supplemental supplies and other items not available through school funds.
PTO meetings will be held on a monthly basis with dates and times to be determined. We encourage you to attend our meetings; however, if unable to attend we can add you to our email mailing list to receive minutes from the meeting or you can check out our Facebook page for updates. We encourage all levels of involvement! By participating in PTO you help decide what we can do as a group. New ideas and suggestions are always welcome!
Please consider volunteering your time and talent to the PTO. We can’t do it without you!
Please complete the form below and return it to your child’s teacher. Thank you for your consideration!
Volunteers help make our events a huge success for our children and the school!
Follow us on: facebook.com/YuleePrimaryPTO or email YPSPTO@gmail.com
Yes! I want to sign up for Yulee Primary School’s PTO
We are requesting $5.00 donation for the school year per family. Thank you for your support!
NAME: ________________________________________________________
CHILD’S NAME: _________________________________________________
CHILD’S TEACHER: ________________________ GRADE: _______________
PHONE #:______________________ EMAIL: _________________________
I am interested in helping out with:
Box Top Counting Special Events Book Fair AR Store AR Testing