- Yulee Middle
- Information and Procedures
Students Must:
Sign in at the desk when visiting without their class or teacher.
Re-checkout their books on or before the due date in order to not accumulate a fine.
Pay 5 cents per day per overdue book until it is returned (students can be excluded from field trips or activities if they owe the library).
Return books in good condition, students must pay for lost, stolen, or damaged books.
Behave in a quiet and repectful manner while in the library.
Have written permission to check out Stephen King books (obtain permission form from the library).
Sudents May:
Check out 2 book for 3 weeks at a time.
Visit the library only during language arts class to check in or check out books (no more than once a week without teacher).
Visit the library in the mornings to check out books, take AR tests, read, and study.
Students May Not:
Check out a book with fines unpaid on their account.
Come to the library from any other class besides their language arts class.
Eat, drink, or chew gum in the library.