- Bryceville Elementary
- Principal

Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Tammy Smith, Principal
I am delighted that Bryceville Elementary School is my educational home. My name is Tammy Smith and I am honored to be the principal at BES. I am a long-time Nassau County resident and I am beginning my twenty-ninth year in the district. I have a Bachelor's degree from the University of North Florida and a Master's in Education from Jacksonville University. I live in an “empty nest” with my husband John and wiener dog Reece. I am a mother of three and grandmother of five and love to share pictures and stories of my family.
I believe positive attitudes, high expectations and mutual respect are needed to maintain a successful school. The following quote from Pat Cross has resonated with me since I read it almost two decades ago. "If it weren't for students impeding our progress in our race to the end of the term, we could certainly be sure of covering the material. The question, however, is not whether we as teachers can get to the end of the text or the end of the term, but whether our students are with us on the journey." I want to continue to foster a positive, interactive, fun learning atmosphere where learners, teachers and families can make their educational journey together.
I look forward to continuing to get to know more of the community and families of Bryceville.
In education,
Tammy Smith