• How do we choose books for the Yulee Primary School Library?


    1. We replace books that were lost and damaged the previous year.


    1. We purchase books requested by students, teachers, and community members.


    1. We purchase Book & CD sets for use in classroom small group work.


    1. We have a 4-year-plan that guides our book purchases, including...


    Year One – We focus on developing our Kindergarten Shelves (AR Levels 0.3-0.9), both fiction and nonfiction books.


    Year Two – We focus on developing our First Grade Shelves (AR Levels 1.0-1.9), both fiction and nonfiction books.


    Year Three – We focus on developing our Second Grade Shelves (AR Levels 2.0-3.5 + some higher levels), both fiction and nonfiction books.


    Year Four – We focus on developing our Audio Library (AR Levels 0.8-3.5), both fiction and nonfiction Book & CD sets.  During Year Four, we also review the entire Library collection, checking for subjects that are not represented, and noting books which have not been checked out during this 4-year period.


    1. We utilize professional book reviews from School Library Journal and Booklist to guide our book selection process.  We also use crowdsourced reviews on the GoodReads website in this process.


    1. The book vendors themselves provide book descriptions and target age ranges for readers.  This information helps to ensure that books are age-appropriate for our students. 


    1. When a purchase list is created, it is shared with the YPS School Advisory Council (SAC), whose membership includes administrators, teachers, parents, and community stakeholders.  After the choices are reviewed, books can be purchased for student use. 


    1. Community members can learn about the books available in the YPS Library by clicking the Destiny link and searching for specific titles or authors.  You can share comments or suggestions for future purchases through the Contact menu option on this website.