- Nassau County School District
- Technology Resources
- Report Issues
What To Do When Your Device Is Not Working
If there are any issues with the device, please enter a help desk ticket through the icon on your student’s Classlink page or at https://nassau.incidentiq.com.
Classlink Dashboard:
Computer or Mobile Device
If you are using a computer or mobile device, you may receive this screen initially. If the district address is missing, type nassau.incidentiq.com. Click Continue to pass this screen.
Click on the blue NCSD STUDENTS/STAFF LOGIN icon. Do not use the username and password below the NCSD LOGIN button. You will log in using your child's Nassau County Schools login credentials. Their username must be username@nassau.k12.fl.us.
Once you are logged in to Incident IQ, click on +NEW TICKET to enter the details for your issue.
Complete the questions to send a request to our Help Desk.