• NCAA Student Athlete Information

    National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

    What is the NCAA?

    NCAA Divisions Descriptions

    I’m considering playing college sports, what else do I need to know?

    High School Preparation

    NCAA Eligibility Center Students must be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center to compete at an NCAA Division I or II school. Students must also create an account to make official visits to Divisions I and II schools or to sign a National Letter of Intent. Create a Certification Account on the website and NCAA will guide you through the certification process. For Division III or undecided, you can create a student profile to receive NCAA updates.

    Click here to view instructions to set up your NCAA Eligibility Center account.

    Click here to view the academic requirements for each NCAA division including course selection, GPA, test scores, and a high school academic timeline.

    Click here to view the list of all NCAA approved courses for your high school. Pay special attention to non-traditional courses such as credit recovery which may not be approved by NCAA.

    Click here for information about taking the SAT and ACT, sending NCAA your scores and sliding scales. The quick reference links show the sliding scale charts.

    Click here for NCAA FAQs.

    Click here to access all NCAA publications such as rules books, division manuals, College-Bound Student-Athlete resources, and more.

    Click here to read about signing a National Letter of Intent.