Transition Programs

  • Community-Based Instruction (CBI)

    Nassau County Schools provide Community-Based Instruction opportunities that teach students functional life-skills and promote the transferring of these functional skills into the student's natural environments. Community-Based Instruction promotes real-life learning opportunities that can enhance a student's quality of life within the community. 

    Transitioning Adult Program (TAP) 

    The Post-High School Transition Adult Program provides students with disabilities employment opportunities on and off campus through local businesses and school campuses. The Transitioning Adult Program teachers and job coaches provide instruction to promote employability, job-skill transferability, and independence through work experience. This program serves students with disabilities that have an IEP and have met graduation requirements yet deferred receipt of their diploma.

    Links of Interest
    Transitioning Adult Program (T.A.P)
    Project SEARCH 2021
    Pre-Employment Transition Services
    Transition Directory 2021

  • Picture of Transition Program Specialist 
    Patti Langford
    Exceptional Student Education Transition Specialist

    T.A.P. Program
    TAP Teachers lined up with names presented left ot right
    Michelle Taylor (para)
    Angie Keener (Instructor)
    Marika Modlin (SLP)
    Tammy West (para)
    Deanna Beter (Instructor) 

    Project SEARCH
    Teacher and students for project search.
    Donna Runyon, Instructor

    Vocational Rehab Employment Specialists
    Vocational Rehab Employment Specialists Picture under a large oak tree.
    Ellen Madsen
    Pam Dunlap
    Donna Thompson
    Chris Calentine